ERO Report

ERO evaluates and reports on the education and care of children and young people in early childhood services and schools.

Education Review office 2015

“The centre owner, manager and staff effectively promote positive outcomes for children. The management team provides opportunities for all teachers to contribute to the drive and direction of the centre. Teachers know children well and are responsive to their individual learning needs and strengths. Children respond well to teachers’ enthusiasm and high expectations. They are supported to make good friendships with their peers.

The centre is inclusive and welcoming. Children settle into routines, play and connect well with each other and their teachers. Trusting relationships between adults, and between adults and children, contribute to high-quality learning interactions. Children have a strong sense of belonging. They are confident and co-operate well to support each other’s play. Teachers place importance on children leading their own learning.

Children experience early literacy and mathematics and the sciences in the centre’s richly resourced environment. Features of effective teaching practice include:

• collaborative team work that is focused on responding to children’s different and emerging learning preferences

• programme planning that values and responds to children’s perspectives

• teachers enhancing learning by revisiting and building on children’s strengths and interests.

Respect for biculturalism is evident in centre practices and the environment. Teachers confidently integrate waiata, karakia and to reo Maori into the programme. The centre manager and head teachers continue to build the confidence and practice of all staff in these areas.

Older children engage in imaginative and creative play for long periods of time. They confidently share their ideas with teachers and other children. They have opportunities to be leaders and to support and mentor their younger peers. Teachers are responsive to children’s interests. They skilfully ask questions that encourage children to think critically and solve problems.

Provision for babies and toddlers is well considered and nurturing. Teachers are sensitive to children’s preferences and requirements. They interact with young children in a calm and unhurried way giving them time and space to lead their learning”.

Education Review Office 2015 Extract.